
Sunday 8 April 2012

It's future from work at home?

British mobile operator O2, has decided to try how well it will cut its staff to work from home. The results are extremely interesting, since it showed that they were employed equally, if not more effective in aremote part in the company.

More precisely, of the 3,000 employees who were tested in the far distance, 88 percent said they were no less productive than whenthey were in the company. one third of them had even considered that they were more productive. Only 12 percent were such that they said they were at work at home less productive.

Are employers in the future even more use of them to work remotely,is the question. However, the test company O2 has shown that thismethod works quite definitely positive things. Brings the advantages of both the employee and the employer and the environment. The company O2 have calculated that it was participating in this test,together saved 2,000 hours of driving to work, that they hadconverted the company to 10,820 euros a lower cost of electricityand that it was due to less need for transport in air lowered to 12 tons less CO2's.

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