
Saturday 7 April 2012

Transformers:Fall of Cybertron release!

Activision has finally revealed the true release date for the much-anticipated game of Transformers. The game, created by the HighMoon Studios, will be released in the U.S. 28th August this year in Europe and the UK just three days later. In addition Singleplayer game will also be available multiplayer.


Some Transformers are checked and play differently than the other.An example of this is Grimlock, Avtobot, which can be transformedinto a dinosaur. Grimlock has no guns can fight only for shortdistances, and although this is in the cyber world of transformers witha large handicap, but their jaws do much damage. However,Grimlock is not the only Transformer, which is somewhat "special".Frankly, such as the very large, but otherwise almost every Transformer has a special ability that makes him stronger.

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