
Wednesday 11 April 2012

Youtube changes video to 3D

YouTube is the largest provider of online services to share movie clips, as it is always at least one step ahead of the competition. This example users for some time offered the possibility of displaying high resolution three-dimensional content, even where 3D content is not available by default. While this functionality was previously available only as a "trial version", today this is no longer so. This is no longer labeled "Beta" and it can be used without any limitation.

Conversion of 3D images from 2D video content to dedicated algorithm developed by Google programmers. This option automatically appears when certain videos (not all). You simply select the 3D conversion of the settings, next to the display quality video (3D). To view these clips of course need a suitable polarized glasses. Here we have several different options, ranging from polarizing glasses with blue and yellow filter through to the glasses, which are used in conjunction with 3D TVs. Here, of course, miracles can not be expected, since the 3D images ultimately built on the 2D technique.

To ensure an appropriate quality, the possibility of converting 3D images from 2D video can only visokoločljivih videos in 1080p format and in individual countries. To play 3D content, of course, still need the right hardware (screen, and a modern graphics card). As already mentioned, the quality of 3D video conversion from 2D is far from complete. Fortunately, the company Google promised to be further refined their algorithm, which generates 3D images based on image analysis, color and even other video clips are originally shot in 3D.

Do you want to see fre 3D video? LINK

CLICK HERE for "how to add 3D in youtube video.

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