
Monday 23 April 2012

Treatment of depression with computer game.

Researchers from New Zealand reported success in treating depression in young people, which they have achieved by playing a specially adapted computer games. Compared with their peers, who were treated with conventional cognitive behavioral therapy, were cut off by some indicators equally well, according to others, even better. That some forms of depression can be treated with the help of computers, is already well known in adults, while young people do not apply.

New Zealand Ministry of Health has therefore funded the development of therapeutic computer games, Sparx (smart, positive, active, realistic, X-Factor), which takes place in three-dimensional fantasy world. The player must go through seven provinces of the world (or levels in the game), which are caught in the grip GNAT's (Automatic Negative Thoughts Gloomy, dark, negative automatic thoughts). Between clearing the fantasy world, the player learns to search the hope of dealing with problems, pest control dark thoughts - in short, learn the techniques of cognitive behavioral therapy used to treat depression.

Patients were aged between 12 and 19 years and have demonstrated mild to moderate symptoms of depression. After four to seven weeks of playing Sparxa researchers found that due to the questionnaire showed an identical decrease in depressive tendencies as individuals who were treated with classical class she cuts the psychotherapist. Moreover, after the treatment cycle was at 44 percent of players Sparxa depression in remission, while in the conventional treatment methods such only 26 percent. Players were happy with the game and showed a great interest in continuing the application.

Trailer : LINK

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